Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Has your Techno turned into a Techyes?

Phew, the penultimate classe de tecnologĂ­a!! Everyone should be finishing their movies, put their blogs to embed, and finishing up any other loose ends that you have to do. I would like to see your movie uploaded and all of your assignments embedded in your blog before you leave class tonight. . .if that cannot be accomplished, ensure you talk to me!

Tonight: we will work on the movies. . .ensure I, or a student already finished and checked off, evaluates your movie before uploading to your blog. When your blog is on your movie, you can submit your checklist to me to use for grading purposes.
I would also like to briefly introduce GoogleEarth to you so you can see what an amazing piece of technology that it is. . .

For class on Monday: I would like everyone to have completed the NETS narratives in TaskStream. If you look at the Portfolio assignment in WebCT, you should notice the most current student sample document is attached (it's even more up-to-date than the one we used for NETS I). You should know how to write the narratives. . .just remember to let the artifact drive the narrative; explain what the artifact is, how you created it, and why it is a great artifact for your proficiency in the standard. . .and in one sentence, you can explain how you might use it in the classroom!!! Relax, you ALL can do this. . .
I will briefly meet with each of you to ensure you have everything complete for TaskStream and see if there are any further questions on any assignments. . . Then, and only then, will you be given the technology crown of achievement (see hat above ;-)

Also, please ensure you can access your campus email. . .the evaluations for this course will be emailed to you through this email address (actually, it should already be there).

Tonight's Questions:
Discuss one assignment/tool that you see yourself using in your future classroom. How will you use it?


  1. I think I will definitely have a class blog, just as an easy way to communicate with my class and display instructions/examples/students' work and provide links to resources for my students. Also, I will probably make a lot of Excel crosswords for vocabulary.

  2. I will definitely be using google docs. I was thrilled to learn that I could write a paper and have access to it from any computer.

  3. I will definitely be using Excel to make crossword puzzles. I think high school students would find them more interesting than just a regular worksheet, and I think they're fun.

  4. I will definatley use google docs. I have already begun to use it and I really like it. I even showed my mom how to use it and she really likes it!

  5. I will most definitely be using a class blog for my future class. It is a great way to organize your classroom and keep everyone informed.

  6. A class blog to communicate with parents and students!

  7. I could see myself doing a class blog, but mostly I want to do some sort of photo sharing application, so the parents of my students can access pictures of their kids doing fun art projects or playing at p.e. time.

  8. I am probably most likely to use the blog in My future class. It seems like a good way to communicate information to students and parents.

  9. I will definitely be using a classroom blog. It is a great way to keep students and parents informed about what is going on in class. It is also a great home base that can link to outside sources and websites that students will need to refer back to during the year. I also really like google docs!

  10. I would like to use a classroom blog in order to communicate with students and parents.I also like to have Excel crossword about different subject matter in my class. It is more interesting than paper crosswords.Yesterday, I made a math crossword puzzle for my son. He enjoyed practicing math expression in this way.I found graphic organizer as a cool tool, too.

  11. I will use social bookmarking because there are all kinds of useful science resource sites and tools or academic journals that can get messy for students to keep track of

  12. I think a class blog is amazing and would definitely use it in the classroom. I could post reading response questions where students can respond in the comments section, and there are many other applications for a class blog in the classroom.

  13. The blog thing was new to me and I can definitely see myself using this in a classroom setting.

  14. One assignment that I will be using in my future class will be the Wiki. I really liked it because it was very easy to do, and I like the collaboration of material that students can share.

  15. I can definitely see myself using many of the tools that have come up in this class, but more specifically, I am sure I will use Newsletters as I plan to work with younger ages and Newsletters will be necessary to keep the communication lines open between me and the parents so they are kept in the loop. I did not think I would ever blog, but I think I will also implement blogs if I end up working with older ages.

  16. If I were a teacher I could see myself using the website. This would be a great way to keep communication between the teacher and parent as well students. Teachers can post assignments with samples as well as posting updates in the classroom for parents and students to view.

  17. I see myself using a class blog to keep my students and parents informed into what is going on in class. It is a great tool not only to share information, but to display a plethra of information at once.

  18. The blog for me is the most useful especially in an online class. I would be able to post assignments and announcements and many other things that would help the class function efficiently.

  19. I definitely see myself utilizing a PK-2 class blog. I also want to do some sort of photo sharing application, so my students and parents can see pictures of themselves and their kids at school doing projects like art or even when they are playing at recess.

  20. Not only will I use a class blog and perhaps wiki, I am more excited to teach my students how to create their own blog. I feel that this will be fun for them and a way to show their parents, the students emerging proficiency in technology as well as some of their class assignment.

  21. I will definitely use Poll Everywhere. There are so many possibilities for polls and quizzes, and I know they would really enforce the different concepts and ideas in the literature my classes are reading.

  22. An assigment that I would utilize in my classroom would be the class blog. Students could upload their projects using scribd and then parent could see what their son and daughter have accomplished online.

  23. I would definitely use a class blog and probably google docs. These tools would be really useful and probably be fun for a middle school/junior high class.

  24. I loved the blog and will definitely try to use it as well as the newsletter! I think they're great ways of sharing information with students and parents. I also found a lot of the tools that we found during the Wiki assignment to be fun and useful.

  25. I would love to use the blog and the crossword puzzles.
